
At Kimberley College, our ambition is to nurture every student's talent and provide all students with the knowledge, skills, attributes and values they will require for successful ongoing learning and life beyond school. Education should be inspirational, challenging and fun. Therefore, our focus is on how to learn as well as what to learn. In addition, we strongly believe in the need to develop moral and social intelligence in an environment that respects all religious and secular beliefs.

Our Primary and Middle school classes are multi-age, with groups of students forming a 'boat'. 

We have adopted this analogy to symbolise the flexible nature of our teaching and learning programs, similar to a sailing vessel on the open ocean. So too, our students' learning journey may not take a straight linear pathway either but may take different directions and stop at points along the way as they work towards their destination.  

Our curriculum within the 'boats' uses a theme-based approach to encourage students to make links across the individual subject disciplines. Students engage with a new theme each term, and these themes rotate over two or three years. As our students continue their journey into Senior school, we encourage further independence and prepare them for the rigours of academic study at a higher level of learning in their chosen individual disciplines. 

Our Teaching and Learning Framework supports teachers in delivering high-quality teaching and learning practices. The teaching and learning at Kimberley College is designed to personalise learning for students and to meet their diverse academic, social and emotional needs. Based on our shared belief that all students can learn and develop their unique skills and talents, we will provide opportunities for each student to be challenged and succeed. We recognise that learning is a balance between knowledge acquisition and skill development; therefore, we utilise the current curriculum standards from ACARA and the QCAA and the instructional model set by the DET and the pedagogical framework outlined in The New Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction by Robert J. Marzano to inform the teaching and learning practice at Kimberley College. 

The College uses a range of varied tools (formal and informal) for measurement of student progress to develop a holistic and competency-based approach including the use of proficiency scales for celebrating success and reporting progress to families and caregivers. Senior students undertaking Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) also complete external assessment.